Course curriculum

    1. Accessing your resources

    2. Using your resources

    1. Financial Wellbeing Practices Overview

    2. Know Your Money Story

    3. Talk About Money

    4. Build a Budget

    5. Balance a Budget

    6. Have a System

    7. Save Money

    8. Beware of Credit

    9. Get out of Debt

    10. Make Informed Decisions

    1. Group Workshop Resouces Overview

    2. Group Workshop Facilitator Guide

    3. Group Workshop Blank Template

    4. Know Your Money Story Group Workshop

    5. Build a Budget Group Workshop

    6. Have a System and Save Money Group Workshop

    7. Make Informed Decisions Group Workshop

    8. Money Mentoring for Couples Group Workshop

    9. Money Mentoring for Youth Groups, Group Workshop

    1. Budget Worksheet (Excel)

    2. Budget Worksheet (Printable)

    3. Repayment Offer Calculator (Pro-Rata)

    4. Money Mentor Guide

    5. What is the Good News?

    6. Money Mentor Churches Map

    7. Money Mentor Flyer

    1. IPRS: Immediacy - Mentor Connect May 2024

    2. Spotlight on Way Forward - a Debt Relief Charity that can help wage earners with debt.

    3. Financial Wellbeing Toolkit Intro

    4. Budgeting and Money Systems (Financial Wellbeing Toolkit Practice)

    5. Q & A with a Financial Counsellor

    6. Financial Independence Hub

    7. Get Out of Debt Practice (Financial Wellbeing Toolkit Practice)

    8. How to find Participants

    9. Know Your Money Story Practice (Financial Wellbeing Toolkit Practice)

    10. Working with Neurodivergent Participants

    11. Talk About Money Practice (Financial Wellbeing Toolkit)

    12. Interview with Steve Farr from Prison Fellowship

    13. Build a Budget Practice (Financial Wellbeing Toolkit)

About this course

  • Free
  • 41 lessons
  • 11 hours of video content